Understanding my "why"

There are a lot of reasons to build a business. Monetising your passions, lifestyle, because you want to punish yourself…

But every business coach will ask you to define your “why”. Why are you pouring your heart and soul into this business? What is driving you? 

When I consider my “why”, I think of a couple of things. 

I like being a business owner. Scratch that - I need to be a business owner. I have always had a side hustle - most prominently cake decorating and wedding photography. I don’t think I have ever just had a 9-5. Four years ago, I decided to formalise the photography business but it could have been one of my other passions - baking or cake decorating, for example.

But it was photography. Why? I love the power of photography - to freeze a moment, to capture an emotion and to create a memory that can be enjoyed by people who were not there, maybe not even born. I also love the visual deliciousness of photography. The way light can dance over a person, conveying joy, anticipation or self-discovery. 

My why is also tied to my two beautiful girls. I want to build a life we can all enjoy - one that has the flexibility of self employment. I also want my girls to see their mother joyful as she creates art and her own business. 

These “whys” have driven me over the last four years. And continue to drive me to build bigger and better. I love being a business owner - with all the ups and downs. I love creating art and beautiful images make my heart sing. And I am excited to build something that will inspire my children to follow their dreams.

To celebrate, I’m giving away a $1000 gift voucher for a portrait experience. I will also be drawing 3 runner up prizes for a portrait session and 7x10 print (value $378).

Competition will be drawn on March 31, 2024. Winner will be contacted via email and will be announced on social media. 

Follow the link, complete the form and be in to win!